What is Breaking Barriers?
Breaking Barriers is made up of two avid world travelers who met and decided to document our travels and experiences and share them in the hope that they may be useful to other like minded individuals or couples. Whether you are planning an around the world trip, or just visiting a country for a short vacation, we aim to have it covered so you can find the information you need to have the best time possible.
How are we different from other people? Well, to be honest, we’re not! And that’s one of the points we want to show. No matter what the differences on the surface between two people, we are all part of the same race at the end of the day. Anybody can do what we do and can achieve what we aim to achieve.

So where did the name Breaking Barriers come from?
Firstly, we are not only from different countries, but also from different continents, different cultures, and different faiths. So by being together and doing everything we are doing together, we are breaking all of these barriers which people so often get caught up in and concerned about in this day and age. Barriers that have been put down by conflicts, social society, political views, etc. We want to show that two people can have the best time together even through all these differences.
Secondly, it’s a reference to crossing the borders of the many countries we have been to, and intend to go to. True, some of these borders are going to be trickier than others to get through but we will be doing our very best to cross them.
Thirdly, we have done, and intend to do, a lot of things that are out of our comfort zone or things that we would not normally plan on doing. So we are breaking our own internal barriers by doing these things.
What will we do on our travels?
Basically anything that comes up! Whether it’s adventurous, cultural, historical, relaxing, insane. Whatever is available we will do it! Whatever comes up on our travels we will take the opportunity to try it. We could be relaxing on a beach in Thailand, scuba diving in The Maldives, trekking to Base Camp in the Himalayas, or skydiving in Portugal. Nothing is going to be too much for us to do.
We will also on occasion partaking in one of our other hobbies, golf, and putting reviews and walkthroughs on our golf website; https://www.mjgolfguides.com/.

What is our plan?
Our plan is to visit every country in the world. No matter how big or small. And document it so that everybody can know something about that country. Such as what is available to do there. What the culture is like. What the food and drink is like. Good places to go, etc. We plan on leaving no stone unturned and hope to build a comprehensive knowledge base for other people to look at when planning their journeys through this amazing planet we live in. Not only will we be covering the common destinations. But also the lesser known countries that often get forgotten about or that people don’t even know about.
What is our aim?
Our main goal is that people can enjoy what we do. That they can see that we enjoy what we do. That they know that it is acceptable to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. To meet new people from different walks of life whatever it may be. We are both of the opinion that life is too short to spend it in conflict with others. We shouldn’t waste time being afraid of things. For the short time we have on earth the best way to enjoy it is to really live it your maximum potential.
Don’t be afraid to try something new, embrace the different cultures of our world. Experience each countries unique habits, and take the opportunity to break your own barriers.
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